AEH Innovative Hydrogel (AEH) is an innovative start-up hydroponics company, developing hydrogel formulations that can be used to grow plants and crops without soil.
In collaboration with Crop, Health and Protection (CHAP) Solutions Grobotic Systems and CHAP partner Stockbridge Technology Centre, AEH accessed the Bridging the Gap (BtG) initiative at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) to explore the use of graphene in Gelponics, a sustainable solution for soil-less plant cultivation.
It has taken me three years, but if I wasn’t in the GEIC it probably would have been five years and we would have had to raise private investment. Our products has gained recognition worldwide, leading to a growing customer base that embraced this sustainable and efficient alternative to conventional plant cultivation methods. With commercialisation on the horizon, I am confident that Gelponics has the potential to revolutionise sustainable farming practices and contribute to a more environmentally conscious agricultural sector.
Dr. Beenish Siddique / Founder of AEH Innovative Hydrogel
Objectives of the collaboration include:
- Develop environmentally sustainable Gelponics hydrogel formulations without synthetic polymers.
- Demonstrate Gelponics as a substitute for conventional growing mediums.
- Investigate the use of graphene in hydrogels for enhanced performance in various applications.
- Assess Gelponics' recyclability and potential as a soil amendment for carbon sequestration.
- Explore the export potential of dry-form Gelponics to water-scarce regions.
The collaboration with BtG at the GEIC resulted in a small-scale Gelponics prototype, leveraging specialised resources and expertise. This significantly accelerated innovation, expanded the team, and raised global awareness of Gelponics.
The collaboration with BtG and the GEIC accelerated AEH Innovative Hydrogel’s growth and innovation process, leading to expansion and commercialisation.
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