Graphene's unique properties allow for ground-breaking biomedical applications. Targeted drug delivery; improved brain penetration; DIY health-testing kits and 'smart' implants.
Medical science
Graphene based materials including pristine graphene sheets, few-layer graphene flakes, and graphene oxide offer a variety of unique, versatile and tunable properties that can be creatively utilised for biomedical applications.
Drug delivery
The lateral dimensions of these two dimensional (2D) materials can be adjusted between nanometres and millimetres, their thickness can be tuned from single to hundreds of monolayers, and their flexural rigidity can also be modulated. The flat surface can be easily functionalized enabling modification of the surface property (from hydrophobicity to hydrophilicity). This is unprecedented among other nanomaterials, offering enormous design capabilities as a platform for drug delivery and ultrasensitive biosensors.
Biomedical applications
Graphene applications in biomedicine are numerous and can be classified into several main areas: transport (delivery) systems, sensors, tissue engineering and biological agents (for example antimicrobials).
Graphene medical devices
At the University we are investigating all the potential and promising properties of graphene and 2D materials for developing innovative and revolutionary medical devices that could improve healthcare.